Hypnotherapy for chronic pain in Vancouver

Of course, when you have pain you can pop a pill.
The question is:
Will you pop pills till the rest of your life?

Hypnotherapy not only can help you to get fast relief from pain, it can also accelerate the healing process. It also makes you independent, so you would know what to do if the pain is back.

Your hypnotherapist Timur is a certified member of The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA).

IMDHA logo

Get control over your body!
You deserve living a pain-free life!


What types of pain can be relieved?

I can help you if you have the following conditions:

  • low back pain,
  • neck pain,
  • chronic pain after injury,
  • arthritis,
  • headache,
  • fibromyalgia,
  • other types of chronic pain.

How hypnotherapy can help you relieve chronic pain

As you may know, people were using hypnosis to relieve pain since a very long time.

Even if your pain is very strong, most likely during the day the level of pain is changing.

Probably there are moments when you don't feel any pain at all. Think about the last time you watched an exciting movie or read a captivating book. In other words, it's a question of where you put your attentioin. You will learn how to direct your attention in such a way so that the pain is relieved.

There's another important thing that we will discuss.

Very often the pain is a signal from our body that something is going wrong. For example, pain in my foot may be a signal that I do too much exercise. So I may need to take a break for a couple of days to allow it to heal.

You will learn how to detect such signals and address the underlying issue that created the pain in the first place.

The beauty of these techniques is that you can learn them very quickly. Usually it takes 2 to 3 one-on-one sessions to master them.

Imagine what your life would be if you could control your pain? Or could use your mind to help accelerate the healing process in the place where you experience pain?



EasyHypnosis.ca is rated 5.0 on Google. I also have been voted one of the top 3 hypnotherapists in New Westminster in 2019. That was before I moved to Vancouver.

Three Best Rated logo

Timur Baytukalov - Certified Hypnotherapist

Individual results may vary.


How many sessions do I need?

I have two personal goals:
1) to help you relieve the pain during the session,
2) to make you independent, so you would know what to do if the pain is back.
Usually it takes 2 to 3 one-on-one sessions to achieve these goals.

How long is each session?

The first session may last up to two hours. All the subsequent sessions are one-hour long.


The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

I am very confident in the techniques that I use and fully committed to helping you with your condition. However I cannot make 100% final guarantee that absolutely every pain will be relieved. Individual results may vary.