Tatiana no longer works at EasyHypnosis.ca

My wife Tatiana decided to pursue other goals and, unfortunately, won’t work at EasyHypnosis.ca anymore. I love you, darling, and I strongly believe you can achieve anything that you want.

A new online NLP trainer is born

I just received a certificate from NLP Academy. Now I can call myself Online Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming. The training program was pretty intense and I sure had some fun asking questions John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St Clair. It was the first time they were teaching online.

Trauma Collapse Technique Practitioner

I (Timur) got recently certified as Trauma Collapse Technique (TCT) Practitioner. The training was organized by Martin Castor Peterson from The Hypno Academy. He is hypnosis/NLP trainer from Denmark. The method allows to relieve trauma-related symptoms very quickly (usually in one session). That includes severe cases of PTSD. What is cool about TCT technique is… Continue reading Trauma Collapse Technique Practitioner

Health-related businesses in New Westminster

If you live in New Westminster and care about your health, we collected some links to some local businesses that can help you stay healthy: Alternative Medicine in New Westminster Counsellors and hypnotherapists in Greater Vancouver Healthy Living in New Westminster