Tatiana no longer works at EasyHypnosis.ca

My wife Tatiana decided to pursue other goals and, unfortunately, won’t work at EasyHypnosis.ca anymore. I love you, darling, and I strongly believe you can achieve anything that you want.

Relax in 5 minutes

Relaxing in five minutes? This might seem impossible. But what if taking five minutes for yourself will change the course of your day? Will help you reset and recharge, and be happier and more productive? Isn’t it worth a shot? I created this short relaxation audio a while ago for myself, simply because back then,… Continue reading Relax in 5 minutes

How to Shift Your State Fast

Have you ever felt unmotivated, distracted and bored while facing a certain task? I’m sure we all have! In this video, I’ll show you a few fun exercises to feel energized and motivated fast – all by shifting your state! A good state will have most of the following characteristics: a) there’s less tension in… Continue reading How to Shift Your State Fast

A new online NLP trainer is born

I just received a certificate from NLP Academy. Now I can call myself Online Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming. The training program was pretty intense and I sure had some fun asking questions John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St Clair. It was the first time they were teaching online.

Trauma Collapse Technique Practitioner

I (Timur) got recently certified as Trauma Collapse Technique (TCT) Practitioner. The training was organized by Martin Castor Peterson from The Hypno Academy. He is hypnosis/NLP trainer from Denmark. The method allows to relieve trauma-related symptoms very quickly (usually in one session). That includes severe cases of PTSD. What is cool about TCT technique is… Continue reading Trauma Collapse Technique Practitioner