Health-related businesses in New Westminster

If you live in New Westminster and care about your health, we collected some links to some local businesses that can help you stay healthy: Alternative Medicine in New Westminster Counsellors and hypnotherapists in Greater Vancouver Healthy Living in New Westminster

Interactive self-hypnosis exercise for weight loss

A couple of months ago, I announced a unique interactive self-hypnosis exercise for weight loss. We were inspired by a seminar on hypnosis conducted by Jean Becchio. This particular seminar took place in Moscow in 2010. If you don’t know Jean, he is a pretty famous hypnotherapist from France, the author of the book Nouvelle… Continue reading Interactive self-hypnosis exercise for weight loss

Timur appeared on MindBodyRadio

On January 21st I appeared as a guest speaker on the daily show on MindBodyRadio. Listen to the episode here. I discuss our hypnotherapy practice and do a quick demonstration on the host Chris.

Hypnotherapy Services in French

We published a French version of our home page where we describe all the services that we provide, including smoking cessation, weight loss and chronic pain management. Si vous parlez français, on sera râvi de vous faire découvrir l’hypnose et la PLN en français! Bienvenu!

Hypnotherapy Services in Russian

As most of you have already guessed, my native language is Russian and Tatiana’s too. I just published a Russian version of our home page where I describe all the services that we provide, including smoking cessation, weight loss and chronic pain management. Если ваш родной язык – русский, мы с радостью поможем вам открыть… Continue reading Hypnotherapy Services in Russian

Free Audio for Stopping Smoking

Happy New Year! It’s that time of the year again when people make resolutions and explore new choices. We created a new free audio for people who want to stop smoking. Please share it with anyone who wants to stop smoking.

Self-hypnosis audio for progressive relaxation

Tatiana record a new self-hypnosis audio that will help relax your body and your mind. To get the audio, please opt in on the page with self-hypnosis audios for anxiety and stress relief. The audio is also available in Russian. Please contact us to receive a free copy.